Stormwater & Floodplain Management

The City of Richmond is a MS4 (Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System) Community. A MS4 Community is owned by a state, city, town, village or other public entity that discharges to waters of the U.S.; designed or used to collect or convey stormwater (including storm drains, pipes, ditches, etc.); not a combined sewer; and not part of a publicly owned treatment works (sewage treatment plant).

The City of Richmond is part of the federally mandated National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Phase II. The NPDES is a national program for addressing sources of stormwater discharges which adversely affect the quality of our nation’s waters. This program requires the implementation of six minimum control measures. These measures are monitored for compliance by the EPA and Kentucky Division of Water. Check out our other pages for more detailed information.

Floodplain Management and the CRS Program in Richmond

The City of Richmond participates in floodplain management and the CRS program. Floodplains are the land areas susceptible to being inundated by flood waters from any source. The City of Richmond provides support in relation to development and maintenance of these areas. The city also participates in the National Flood Insurance Program’s (NFIP) Community Rating System (CRS). This is a voluntary incentive program that recognizes and encourages community floodplain management activities that exceed the minimum NFIP requirements.

Floodplain Management

Floodplain management is the operation of a community program of preventive and corrective measures to reduce the risk of current and future flooding, resulting in a more resilient community, as defined by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). These measures include:

  • requirements for zoning,
  • development within the community,
  • building codes,
  • special-purpose floodplain ordinances.

FEMA has minimum floodplain management standards for communities participating in the National Flood Insurance Program, the City of Richmond has developed regulations to protect our community. For more information related to floodplain management standards, please the information below.

National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP)

Floods are the most common natural disaster. Flood damage is rarely covered by your home owners or renters insurance policy. Need more information related to purchasing flood insurance? Visit the FloodSmart for information related to the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP).


Floodplain Mapping

The FEMA Flood Map Service Center is the official public source for flood hazard information produced in support of the NFIP. You can use the mapping service center to find your official flood map and to utilize other tools related to flood risk. You can simply type in your address and find all the relevant information. Use the link below.

Need help reading your map. Feel free to contact us at (859) 623-1000 and a staff member will be more than happy to assist you.


Community Rating System (CRS)

Did you know the City of Richmond participates in the NFIP Community Rating System (CRS)? This is a voluntary incentive program that recognizes and encourages community floodplain management activities that exceed the minimum NFIP requirements.

As a result, flood insurance premium rates are discounted to reflect the reduced flood risk resulting from the community actions meeting the three goals of the CRS:

  • Reduce flood damage to insurable property;
  • Strengthen and support the insurance aspects of the NFIP, and
  • Encourage a comprehensive approach to floodplain management.

The City of Richmond is a Class 8 city.

For more information please visit the NFIP Community Rating System page. This includes information related to your flood insurance discount.